cancellation policy
Cancellation at least 48 hours before flight. If you cancel at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time for your flight, you may either (1) reschedule the flight without a fee or penalty or (2) request a full refund.
Cancellation fewer than 48 hours before flight (including rescheduled flights). If you cancel fewer than 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time for your flight (including rescheduled flights), you will not be entitled to a refund. In other words, you will be responsible for the ENTIRE COST OF THE ACTIVITY BOOKED. Flights require coordination between multiple individuals, vendors, and independent contractors. Additionally, some activities include perishable goods (e.g., chocolate strawberries and flowers). Cancellations fewer than 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time of your flight prevent us from finding a substitute passenger(s) and canceling orders before perishable goods are prepared. In the rare event you arrive for your flight and are too afraid to fly, you will be deemed to have canceled the flight with fewer than 48 hours’ notice.
Lateness / No-Show. If you are more than ten (10) minutes late to the scheduled activity start time (or fail to appear entirely), you will be deemed a “no-show.” A no-show is treated as a cancellation fewer than 48 hours before the flight. This also applies to a rescheduled flight.
Second cancellation at least 48 hours before flight. If you wish to cancel a rescheduled flight at least 48 hours before the flight, you will be entitled to a full refund. We have the sole and absolute discretion to determine whether to allow you to reschedule a second time (if requested) instead of receiving a full refund.
Means of providing notice of cancellation. To cancel your flight, send an email to Cancellation will be effective when the email is received.
No refunds after flight commences. The flight is deemed to “commence” when you board the balloon, irrespective of whether the basket leaves the ground. After the commencement of the flight, you will not be entitled to any refund, whether in whole or in part.