Hot Air Balloon Tether event

A hot air balloon tether event is an excellent way for many people to experience a hot air balloon ride without the balloon taking off and landing in another field 5+ miles away. During a tether event, the balloon is secured to the ground normally attached to three or four tie-offs. The balloon will take passengers up between 50’ to 90’ depending on the weather conditions, location, anchor points, terrain, and the number of guests, and the balloon stays up for about 3 to 5 minutes before coming back down and landing. Then we will swap the next set of passengers and go back up. We continue to perform tethered rides for the event or until the weather forces us to suspend operations. We can average take between 60 to 80 people in the balloon each hour. We can bring out multiple balloons depending on how significant your event is and how large of an area you have for the balloons.
The hourly rate is $1,600.00 per balloon per hour. Tethering a balloon takes a lot of time, preparation and extra crew to ensure the operation is performed safely. There is a MINIMUM of TWO hours for all tether events. Additional time can still be booked at the same hourly rate. A deposit of $800.00 per balloon is due with the signed contract. We will create a formal contract you will review and return to us before booking the event. The Final Payment is due (7) days prior to the event start time.
Please see the section below "Weather Decision" If we determine it is not safe to fly and we do not travel to the venue, you have the ability to get a FULL refund.
For a 2hr event with 1 balloon, the cost would be $3,200, and depending on the distance, they maybe are additional chargers for travel.
Additional Travel Cost
For events that are further than 30 miles from our normal operating area (8190 Laura Ln, Davenport, FL 33896), In addition to the hourly rate for the balloon, there is a Travel Cost of $475.00 per balloon per day + $.50 per mile to and from the venue.
Site Visit
Depending on the venue, we may arrange a site visit. This will allow us to inspect the proposed balloon tether area. If we cannot travel to the site, we may opt for a video call where you can still show the site.
Weather conditions
Hot air balloons can only be operated safely in certain weather conditions. AirHound Adventures has sole and absolute discretion to determine whether conditions allow for safe operations of the balloons. AirHound Adventures may at any time cancels the balloon event if weather conditions are unsafe. The balloons will not inflate in winds greater than six (6) miles per hour on the ground. The pilot has the final determination if operating the balloon is safe. While the ground winds might look safe and our balloons stand over 100’ tall. Our pilot has to ensure the winds are safe from the ground up to 250’ high.
Weather Dependent
Our team will monitor the weather the week leading up to the event. We will contact the client at least 24 hours before the event. During this call, we will provide the current weather forecast from the weather station nearest to the venue. On this call, we will finalize whether the event should continue as planned or should be rescheduled/canceled. We fly balloons seven days a week, and we monitor the weather constantly, so our recommendation and our experience reading the weather usually is a good indication of what you can expect for the event. There is also a possibility that the weather looks great on the forecast, but when we show up to the venue and test the winds if they are out of safe operating limits, we will NOT inflate the balloons.
weather decision
If our team determines that the weather doesn’t appear to inflate the balloons safely, we will inform the client.
The client will have two options
Cancel the event.
If we have informed you that the weather does not look safe, you can choose to cancel the event, and you will receive a FULL refund.
Continue with the event.
Our team will show up with the balloons, and we will see if the weather allows us to complete the tether event.
Florida weather can change, and the event might still be possible. A $800 fee per balloon per hr isn’t refundable if the client chooses this option. If we arrive and can’t inflate because of the weather, we can still set up the basket and burner to let your guest take pictures and try the burner ONLY if the weather allows. Our pilots have the sole discretion if it would be safe to do this option.
The basket and balloon will not be set up if it rains or winds over our safe limits.
NOTE the $750 per hr + travel cost will be NON-refundable if the client chooses this option.
For example,-
If the client chooses a weather hold for 1 hour would cost $800 per balloon.
If the client chooses a weather hold for 2 hours would cost $1,600 per balloon.
After the first complete tether ride, the client shall not be entitled to a refund of any portion of the payment price or the additional Travel Cost. AirHound Adventures will complete as many tether flights as possible during the event. If our pilot determines it is unsafe to continue, the balloons will be deflated, and the event shall be suspended for up to one (1) hour. If the weather conditions do not become safe within one (1) hour, the event will be canceled, and no refund will be given.
If the Hot Air Balloon Tether is weathered out, The Hot Air Balloon team will be entitled to expenses listed above and detailed in your contact.
Maximum Capacity. Depending on the total weight of the passengers, each balloon can carry between (2) to (5) passengers at one time.
Balloon tether area.
Each balloon(s) will need an area of no less than 150 feet by (150) feet per balloon. The areas must be clear of all power lines, trees, and other obstructions. If you are unsure if an area is large enough, please email us with the address and the proposed area, and we will contact you to discuss options. Our email is info@airhoundfl.com
Time and Date
In Florida, we perform tether events after sunrise or after sunset. It is too hot during the middle of the day, and the winds can be uncooperative. The event is always weather dependent, but if you have a specific time you would like to hold the event, please reach out to us to discuss.
Ready to BOOK
For questions about any of our balloon events please call us at 407-900-1003